Sunday, March 15, 2009

So, i think I might actually be preggers....

So, my husband and I have been dilligent about trying to conceive over the past few months. And I think we might actually be pregnant:) We went and bought a pack of three pregnancy tests this afternoon and after taking one, I SWEAR I saw a very faint line. Jon thought I was crazy until I shoved in his face and told him to really look at it (yes, he loved the pee stick RIGHT in his face). He conceded there was a very faint line. So, i immediately started googling what this might mean and clearly, the only conclusion I am drawing is that I must be pregnant, right?

So, in my complete excitement, I decided to start this blog. I said that as soon as I got pregnant, I would start one dedicated to the baby and pregnancy so here I am. I will say I am scared I am getting a little ahead of myself in case I'm reading too much into it but for anyone who knows me, this is completely normal. Anyway, I am going to take another test in the morning and PRAY that it's a little more definitive (and still positive!!!). I did take a pic of the pregnancy test but it's so blurry and you really can't see the line in it:(

I hope to be back on tomorrow night with good news....